Wednesday, February 2, 2011

MLM Consultant | MLM Software Consultant

The network marketing industry contains enough pitfalls. Add them individual lack of knowledge, experience, wrong decisions, lack of funding, wrong mlm software provider, no legal councel... well the odds of failure go up sharply. is a new site that I am using to promote the basics.... MLM Consulting.
For more than 15 years, I have been serving the MLM Industry by providing Consulting to MLM Startups. From selecting an attorney, to software, to product and supply chains, to marketing plans, to merchant accounts, to launch, I can provide you with the tools for Success.

Furthermore, we organize and provide specialized training and how to conferences. These conferences are more educational and are not blue sky sales pitches. is your point of reference for requesting information to attend an MLM Startup Conference.

Finally, let me recommend a very simple site. It is the simple 8 Step Pattern For Success, edited by myself over the last 15 years.
This is a proven strategy that was not invented by me, but I did perfect.